Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Urban Plunge

Briley, Dozier & Gentry to Take the “Urban Plunge”
Breaking news from the Nashville Homeless Power Project

David Briley, Buck Dozier, and Howard Gentry will be the first to do the “Urban Plunge” a.k.a. “A Night on the Streets.

An “Urban Plunge” is when economically‑privileged people dress down, empty their wallets, and spend time on the streets as “poor” people. The Mayoral Urban Plunge in Nashville is the first of it’s kinds according to the National Coalition for the Homeless.

The 6 Candidates for Nashville Mayor have committed to spending 10 hours (10pm – 8am) out on the streets of Nashville.

There will be a post plunge press conference at 7:30am on Wednesday, June 20th, 2007, location tba, where all candidates will converge at a location to be determined and respond to questions from the homeless community and the media.

The purpose of the plunge is to provide the candidates with first hand and direct experience of being homeless so they can fully understand the impact of public policy decision will have on those who are on the streets. The Power Project has set forth goals for the candidate during their time including:

To find a legal place to sleep outdoors

Sleep on a bench for 20 minutes or so.

Enter a restaurant and ask if you can sweep the sidewalk or do other work for a sandwich.

Find a place to eat breakfast

Ask for Money/panhandle in a place where you are least likely to be recognized.

According to the Michael Stoops, Executive Director of the National Coalition for the Homeless, “Economically-privileged people across the country have done urban plunges as a way to better understand homelessness.

It is the most effective way we have learned for people to understand this reality. 10 hours is not nearly enough and the suggested minimum PLUNGE is 48 hours but we are thankful that they are willing to do this night on the street. Having said that, as far as I know, the National Coalition for the Homeless has never heard of any other city in this country in which political candidates have agreed to do the Urban Plunge. While this should be part of every candidates campaign unfortunately this is a rarity and is truly historic.”

For more information contact Matthew Leber, Organizer, Nashville Homeless Power Project, 42 The Arcade, Nashville, Tennessee 37219, (615) 733-0633, (615) 977-5098 or 414-3788, or email


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